
TOP ITALY is much more than a simple e-commerce store.

For end consumers it is a place where you can explore and learn about Italian food excellence and the very high quality of products from the various regions.

For companies it is a place where you can take advantage of services in different professional fields thanks to a modular structure that includes experts in different fields of interest

Below are some of the Premium Services offered by TOP ITALY for companies.
Check the various proposals and fill out the form below to find out more.

Commercial consultancy

TOP ITALY, thanks to its managers with over 20 years of experience in the world of large-scale retail trade and after collaborations with international consultancy firms, is now able to carry out strategic collaborations and consultancy at the highest levels both for large-scale retail trade brands and for individual companies such as Store, Supermarket or simple independent shops in the Grocery sector.

TOP ITALY is able to produce the most efficient analyzes and formats and improve your company's business by aligning it with market needs.

Coaching e Formazione Aziendale

Il successo di un’azienda dipende dalle persone che ci lavorano e dai team che si creano. Se le persone non crescono, non investono tempo nel miglioramento di loro stesse e delle loro prestazioni professionali, l’azienda difficilmente crescerà.

Ogni azienda è fatta di persone che lavorano in team! Imprenditori, manager e collaboratori sono chiamati a sviluppare le competenze manageriali e trasversali (soft skills) per permettere alle specifiche competenze tecniche (hard skills) di emergere pienamente. Comunicazione Efficace, Intelligenza Emotiva, Leadership e Problem Solving: ecco gli ingredienti alla base di qualsiasi successo.

Oggi più che mai, per far fare alla tua impresa un enorme salto di qualità e ottenere i risultati che desideri, inizia il tuo percorso di Coaching e Formazione con il metodo The Coaching Way®.

Fotografia e Videomaking

Avere immagini di qualità sulla propria vetrina virtuale è molto importanteè e cruciale.

Un servizio professionale di fotografia e videomaking aiuta ogni azienda a distinguersi dalla concorrenza.

Che si tratti di fotografare i vostri prodotti, di creare immagini che descrivano il vostro brand o creare un video aziendale originale e ben curato è importante rivolgersi ad un professionista dell'immagine.

Questo è il primo passo per avere una vetrina virtuale da mettere in mostra.

Ogni video ed ogni immagine deve essere confezionata a misura di cliente. Questo determina l'dentità aziendale e ne esalta la presenza nel mercato.

Social Media Manager

Today's world is increasingly connected and social. Producing or distributing great products or services is no longer enough. Today more than ever we need visibility.

TOP ITALY strongly believes in visibility through the social world. Increasingly powerful and portable devices allow access to information from anywhere and at any time.

This is why TOP ITALY includes the Social Media Manager service which allows your company to obtain optimal visibility thanks to professionals dedicated to this topic.

Visibility is an integral part of business and the partners chosen by TOP ITALY for this Service allow you to best navigate the complicated social media scenario.

Web Designer

Once upon a time, having an optimal location, with beautiful spaces, high-tech or tastefully furnished offices was the most important business card of every company.

The evolution towards a more digital direction and globalization towards an increasingly connected world has made your company's website extremely important. Through your website you can communicate your mission, values ​​and products or services.

TOP ITALY has selected a team of Web Designers who daily design and create website solutions in line with the best technologies and market trends.

Cyber Security

Nowadays technology and information technology are essential in any company. It doesn't matter what your business is, but you will certainly need connectivity, data security, protection against cyber vulnerabilities, advanced backups and more.

Each company is a story unto itself!

Every company has its employees, workflows, smart working and any other possible customization. This is why TOP ITALY has developed a collaboration with IT security specialists capable of producing the optimal solution for your company.

Your business today needs more than just a standard Firewall or Antivirus. Your company needs its own unique Cyber ​​Security Solution.

Store Layout and Display

If you own a supermarket or traditional shop you will need to maximize the efficiency of your commercial spaces. Today, sophisticated studies of traffic flows, space allocation, layout and display of merchandise allow the productivity of the PV to be pushed to the maximum.

The decades of experience in the main distribution brands and the collaboration with the largest players in market consultancy and analysis today allow TOP ITALY to develop the optimal solution for the creation of a successful supermarket or shop format.

Our motto is "minimum investment - maximum return". It's the ideas and format solutions that count.

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If you are interested in one of our services, do not hesitate to contact us. In the email, specify which service you would like to receive more detailed information on.